Growing more rice while saving water
Kenyans Want More Rice
The demand for rice in Kenya continues soar as more Kenyans show progressive
changes in their eating habits, coupled with urbanization. Rice is currently the third most important cereal crop after maize and wheat. The national rice consumption is estimated at 300,000 metric tons compared to an annual production range of 45,000 to 80,000 metric tons. The deficit is met through imports, valued at Ksh.7 billion in 2008. Moreover, rice is currently the most expensive cereal (of any grain) in the country, retailing at about Ksh.120-200/kg. The annual national consumption of rice
is increasing at a rate of 12%, as compared to 4% for wheat and 1% for maize. Thus, rice is set to become the main food cereal in the near future.
Most of the rice in Kenya is grown in irrigation schemes established by the
Government, which include Mwea, Bura, Hola, Perkera, West Kano, Bunyala and
Ahero. Smaller quantities are produced along river valleys. About 80% of rice in
Kenya is grown under continuous flooding as is typified in the Mwea Irrigation
Scheme. The paddy system of rice production depends on a continuous supply
of large volumes of water and soils with high water holding capacities. In most
irrigation schemes, water scarcity and thus rationing is common. These shortages
will escalate as population grows and climate change.
read full pdf here: How to grow rice by SRI practice_Bancy Mati_Kenya