Farmer Evaluations Of The System Of Rice Intensification (SRI) Compared With Conventional Rice Production In Benin


This article summarizes the evaluation of a new method for rice cultivation, the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), by a group of 90 rice farmers in Benin. Between August 2009 and June 2012, a series of tests were conducted in two rice ecosystems on 32 plots. This farmer-conducted research focused on the new methodology’s agronomic […]

System!of!Rice!Intensification!(SRI) Volunteer Handbook


The!methodology!it!covers,!the!System!of!Rice!Intensification,!or!SRI,!is!an!adaptable! strategy!for!ecologically!increasing!rice!production!while!decreasing!inputs,!and!with!some!local! adaptation!can!be!used!in!a!wide!variety!of!circumstances. Read The Book Here:

Technical)Manual)for)SRI)in)West)Africa Improving and Scaling up of the System of Rice Intensification in West Africa


The System of Rice Intensification, or SRI, is an agro-ecological and climate-smart rice production methodology that allows farmers to produce more grain using less seed and water, and fewer purchased inputs. Unlike other agriculture strategies, SRI does not rely on infrastructural projects, new varieties or fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides to raise yields. Instead, SRI is […]