Scaling Up the System of Rice Intensification in 13 West African Countries


RICOWAS, the largest SRI scaling-up project to date, will be implemented over four years in 13 West African countries, starting in January 2023. RICOWAS can be considered a follow-on project to the SRI-WAAPP project, which was implemented from 2014-2016 and reached 50,048 farmers growing rice using the SRI method at 1,088 sites on 13,944 hectares […]

Technical)Manual)for)SRI)in)West)Africa Improving and Scaling up of the System of Rice Intensification in West Africa


The System of Rice Intensification, or SRI, is an agro-ecological and climate-smart rice production methodology that allows farmers to produce more grain using less seed and water, and fewer purchased inputs. Unlike other agriculture strategies, SRI does not rely on infrastructural projects, new varieties or fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides to raise yields. Instead, SRI is […]

Climate change adaptation options to inform planning of agriculture and food systems in The Gambia: A systematic approach for stocktaking


Identifying and assessing adaptation options are key pre-requisite steps to adaptation prioritization and effective adaptation planning. In this paper, we presented a systematic approach for adaptation stocktaking, combining a systematic mapping and an outcome-oriented and evidence-based assessment, illustrated using the case of The Gambia. This study systematically mapped 24 adaptation options that can potentially inform […]