Scaling Up the System of Rice Intensification in 13 West African Countries


RICOWAS, the largest SRI scaling-up project to date, will be implemented over four years in 13 West African countries, starting in January 2023. RICOWAS can be considered a follow-on project to the SRI-WAAPP project, which was implemented from 2014-2016 and reached 50,048 farmers growing rice using the SRI method at 1,088 sites on 13,944 hectares […]

CHAP Launches SRI/CRRP Climate Resilient Rice Production Training Program in six Counties


Monrovia – The Community of Hope Agriculture Project (CHAP), under the National Executing Entity (NEE-CHAP), is spearheading the Scaling up of Climate Resilient Rice Production Project organized by the Rice Production Improvement Consortium of West Africa (RICOWAS) in Liberia. This initiative, funded by the Adaptation Fund through the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS), aims to boost […]

Feed Liberia Campaign Launches on CHAP’s Climate Change SRI-RICE Harvest Field Day


The Community of Hope Agriculture Project (CHAP) has officially launched its Feed Liberia Campaign on its Climate Change SRI-RICE Harvest Field Day. During the launch, the Deputy Minister for Regional Development Research and Extension at the Ministry of Agriculture, Moses Gbanyan,expressed his support for the project.The campaign aims to reduce poverty, promote domestic food production, […]