On-farm testing of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in lowlands ecology in Niger

Lowlands’s ecology represents nearly half of the agro forestry region irrigated
for rice in Niger. This research aimed at evaluating practices of System of Rice
Intensification (SRI) in these ecologies. On-farm testing was conducted in three (3)
different regions (Tahoua, Zinder and Dosso). SRI practices in these regions were
compared to conventional rice production system. Forty-five (45) producers were
selected and each implemented the two (2) systems for comparison. Variables
compared included tillers production and paddy yield. Results showed clearly that
relative to conventional practice, SRI package increases tiller production by 45% and
paddy yield by 58.2%. Furthermore, results showed that 55.5% of producers
implemented thoroughly SRI package, and 11% of producers applied it moderately.
Despite their moderate usage of SRI package, this last group of producers also got
promising gain on their investment. Up scaling SRI practices of rice growers in
lowlands ecology has a high potential of increasing rice growers returns.

Article Citation:
Haougui Adamou, Mossi Maïga Illiassou, Sido Yacouba Amir, Basso Adamou,
Bibata Ali, Bizo Naroua Mamadou, Salami Issoufou and Salmou Abdoulkarim
On-farm testing of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in lowlands ecology in Niger
Journal of Research in Biology (2019) 9(4): 2693-2700

For more information: http://jresearchbiology.com/documents/RA0698.pdf