The SRI-Africa sponsors the SRI for Africa research network which also provides access to a group library on Zotero. The research collection, which contains over 100 items, was developed by Bancy Mati in collaboration with SRI-Rice at Cornell University.
How to use the database:
You can look through the SRI-Africa research library in two ways: 1) a simple search box (top right), and 2) a set of standardized key word tags (lower left). These can be used alone or in combination.
You can access the information we collect on this page and also search the SRI for Africa Research Library‘s metadata WITHOUT signing up for anything. However, to access full text articles, you will need to sign in to Zotero, and then formally join our Zotero-based SRI for Africa Research Network Group. It’s free to join the Network’s library group!
How to sign up for the SRI for Africa Research Network
To sign up for the SRI Research Network library, 1) go to Zotero, 2) put in your personal information and 3) search for / sign up for the group. The red “Join” button is right about the member list and below the group description. There is no cost to for participating in the SRI-Africa Research Network. Anyone interested in accessing Africa-based SRI research publications or learning more about SRI can use most of the Network’s services.
Send us your own research!
We will be interested to learn more about your SRI interests. Please feel free to send us your research or discuss any research questions you have. Kindly send an email to We include quality Africa-based SRI research we receive in our database (as well as the Global SRI Research database listed below.)
Global SRI research
For SRI research from non-African countries, you can go to the Global SRI Research Network library, which is also free. You can access full-text of the 1,500+ items found here by joining this Global SRI Research Network Click here for more information on SRI research around the world.