A Holistic Lens on Rice Value Chain Pathways in Senegal; Application of “The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for Agriculture and Food” Framework


The contribution and impacts of rice – like any and all agricultural products – to the livelihoods of people has far greater significance to human (and the earth’s) welfare than is captured by yields or production statistics alone. We introduce a few of these considerations here, but they are as well the overall focus of […]

Case Study “The system of rice intensification”


The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is an innovation in rice production systems that is still evolving and ramifying, but already it is raising factor productivity and incomes for more than 1 million small farmers producing rice around the world on over 1 million hectares. SRI addresses the major constraints affecting the livelihoods of small […]

The Potential of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) to Increase Rice Water Productivity: a Case of Mkindo Irrigation Scheme in Morogoro Region, Tanzania


Rice plays a critical role in ensuring food security in developing countries. For majority of the world’s small-scale farmers who live in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, rice is a major source of calories and the single largest source of income. However, increases in rice production are now lagging behind population growth, compounded by effects of […]