BURUNDI: Le Système de Riziculture Intensif (SRI): Une Aubaine pour les Riziculteurs


Inades-Formation Burundi, pour augmenter la production du riz dans les marais aménagés, a introduit la technique du « Système de Riziculture Intensif (SRI) » au sein des 3 coopératives rizicoles qu’il accompagne à Maramvya en commune de Mutimbuzi à l’ouest du pays, à Kabo et Kibaba en commune Nyanza-lac au sud du pays. Cent vingt (120) riziculteurs, membres […]

PNSADR-IM: Cooperatives and Good Agricultural Practices Increase Production and Improve Household Living Conditions


Funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP), the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) and the Government of Burundi, the PNSADR-IM has been working in the Imbo region more than three years with the dairy and rice cooperatives in the communes of Mpanda, Buganda, Rugombo, […]

Summary of SRI in Burundi


Training on the System of Rice Intensification has been ongoing in Burundi since 2010. The International Fund for Agriculture and Development’s (IFAD) PAIVA-B project (Projet d’appui à l’intensification et à la valorisation agricoles du Burundi) implemented SRI in the Karusi and Ngozi provinces with over 2,600 farmers. Projects reported rice yields increasing for one to […]