In East Africa, rice is fast becoming an important food and cash crop with a per capita consumption
range of 11 to 16 kg per person per year (USDA, 2010). In Kenya, the crop introduced in 1907, is
grown in all rice production ecologies. National rice consumption is estimated at 300,000 metric
tons compared to an annual production range of 45,000 to 80,000 metric tons. The deficit is met
through imports whose value was KES 7 billion in 2008. The current rice production is estimated
at 80,000 metric tons on about 20,000 hectares of land. This production meets only 16% of total
demand which is expected to rise with increasing youth population and change in eating habits.
Rice consumption is increasing at a rate of 12% annually as compared to 4% for wheat and 1% for
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Future increase in rice production will rely on improved yields, expanded area under production
and reduction of field and storage losses. Currently rice is the third most important cereal crop
after maize and wheat.
Read full book here: https://www.kalro.org/files/Rice-Cultivation-Manual.pdf