A research review on system of rice intensification (SRI)


To meet future food needs, it is very important to increase productivity while reducing factors used for
production such as land and water. One potentially promising technology for yield enhancement is the
System of Rice Intensification (SRI) developed in Madagascar in the mid-1980s. It was developed
unconventionally and is now recognized and implemented in over 50 countries. System of Rice
Intensification is a set of improved rice processing methods based on several key ingredients and adapted
to local conditions. Although the System of Rice Intensification has standard agricultural methods for
growing transplanted rice such as sowing, transplanting, irrigation, weed control, and nutrition, there are
significant differences in practice. Rice reacted more productively, resulting in unprecedented plant
growth. The aim is to optimize the growth and development of aboveground and underground parts i.e.
shoots and root parts which inwards increase yields. The System of Rice intensification system is the best
choice for rice production to meet the needs of a growing population..

View article: S-11-8-361-330