GHANA: CSIR-SARI Trains AEAs on Rice Production


Participants at the training
Participants at the training

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research – Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (CSIR-SARI) has trained Agricultural Extension Agents (AEAs) and farmers on system of rice intensification activities under the Ricowas scaling up climate resilient rice production in west Africa project.

Dr Issah Sugri, Senior Research Scientist at CSIR-SARI and Project Monitor, said the four-year Ricowas project, was funded by Adaptation Fund supported by Observatoire Du Sahara Et Du Sahel Sahara and Sahel Observatory.

He said the project implemented by CSIR-SARI, was to strengthen human and institutional capacity in climate-resilient rice production (CRRP) and added that it was also to assist farmers to scale-up CRRP and strengthen communication and advocacy around CRRP.
The two-day training, held in Tamale, was to build the capacity of the AEAs and farmers to apply and train other farmers in their communities.

Mr. Eleazar Krofa, Principal Technologist of Rice Improvement Section at CSIR-SARI advised farmers to practise seed treatment, which played key role to enhance the resistance of the seeds, thereby, making them stronger against pest attacks and stresses in their environment.

Dr Alhassan Lansah Abdulai, Lead, Climate Change Response Programme, and Senior Research Scientists at CSIR-SARI, said climate change information was critical for farmers to be able to select the appropriate strategies to use for their farming process.

He called on stakeholders to make climate information accessible to everyone, especially farmers.