CHAP Launches SRI/CRRP Climate Resilient Rice Production Training Program in six Counties


Monrovia – The Community of Hope Agriculture Project (CHAP), under the National Executing Entity (NEE-CHAP), is spearheading the Scaling up of Climate Resilient Rice Production Project organized by the Rice Production Improvement Consortium of West Africa (RICOWAS) in Liberia. This initiative, funded by the Adaptation Fund through the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS), aims to boost […]

Farmers Empowered through Agroecology Innovations at Practical Workshop in Ofinso


In a significant stride toward promoting sustainable agriculture, the Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana, in collaboration with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Crops Research Institute (CSIR-CRI), conducted a successful two-day practical workshop on agroecology and circular economy innovations. Held on September 26th and 27th, the event attracted 58 participants, including farmer association leaders, agriculture […]

Tanzania: Researchers, Extension officers and Rice farmers trained on SRI Principles


Researchers from Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), extension officers and Rice farmers at Ruvu scheme in Chalinze District, Coast Regional and Mkula schemes in Kilombero District, in Morogoro Region have trained on integrated ways of control pests that affect rice farming and benefit of Plant Clinic model as continuation of the training under the project […]