The Principles that Constitute System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and the Practices for Applying them at Field Level Norman Uphoff*


Understanding the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) begins with a distinction between its principles, which are general, and the practices that give effect to these principles when applied, which are and adapted for particular situations. This makes SRI more like a menu than a recipe. It is not something to be promoted by rote learning, […]

Upscaling SRI in Africa to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Rice Paddies


Upscaling SRI in Africa to Reduce GHCs from paddies_Bancy Mati_20-02-2024 [download paper] SRI is a package of practices adopted to improve the productivity of rice grown in paddies, by changing some agronomic practices from conventional practices Some seven components distinguish SRI from conventional flooded paddy practice: 1. Transplant younger seedlings; i.e. at 10 to 14 days […]