Spreading the system of rice intensification across East and Southern Africa


The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a set of good practices that introduces a new way of farming rice to smallholders. By using less seed, land and water, the new system significantly increases yields in most cases, but at the same time intensifies work requirements at some stages. The remarkable results obtained by farmers […]

Tanzania: Researchers, Extension officers and Rice farmers trained on SRI Principles


Researchers from Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), extension officers and Rice farmers at Ruvu scheme in Chalinze District, Coast Regional and Mkula schemes in Kilombero District, in Morogoro Region have trained on integrated ways of control pests that affect rice farming and benefit of Plant Clinic model as continuation of the training under the project […]

Rice farmers must adapt organic manure for rice cultivation – Noah Nash writes


Soil fertility is crucial for crop growth, primarily due to the presence of organic matter in the soil. While chemical fertilizers have increased plant yields, they have not effectively improved soil health. RICOWAS has successfully introduced the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) initiative in 13 West African countries. This climate-resilient rice production (CRRP) farming system […]