Determinants Influencing the Adoption of Rice Intensification System among Smallholders in Mwea Irrigation Scheme, Kenya


Rice farming has received considerable attention in developing countries and particularly in Kenya due to its impact on smallholders’ income and food security. Irrigated rice is the largest consumer of water, and its sustainability is threatened by water shortage. This has necessitated the development of alternative irrigation water technologies, such as the system of rice […]

Assessing adoption and water productivity of the system of rice- intensification under farmer-led irrigation system in northern Tanzania


This study was conducted to evaluate farmers‟ appropriation of the system of rice intensification (SRI) in an informal irrigation scheme in northern Tanzania. Understanding the integration and performance of SRI in the local rice farming will assist in short and long-term planning and allocation of available resources. First, a survey was conducted to explore farmers‟ […]

Determinants l’adoption ou non du Systeme de Riziculture Intensive (SRI) dan la Vallee de Karfiguela a Banfora – Burkina Faso


Les organisations d’économie sociale et solidaire (OESS) constituent de nos jours un cadre de promotion de l’égalité des genres. De par leur principe, elles s’opposent à toute forme de discrimination quel que soit son degré de manifestation. Dans cette dynamique, l’existence de ces organisations devrait permettre d’améliorer les conditions de vie des femmes rurales qui […]