Rice and soybean producers from Ogou and Amou in training at Gleï


  Atakpamé, June 9 (ATOP) – Thirty rice and soybean producers from the Ogou and Amou prefectures are taking part in a training workshop on “intensive rice and soybean production techniques, management sustainable development of land and the marketing of these products”, from June 7 to 15 in Gleï, capital of the Ogou 3 commune, 25 […]

Dossier thématique avenir: Résilience face au changement climatique.


Le projet d’Adaptation et de Valorisation Entrepreneuriales en Irrigation Rurale et agricole (AVENIR) collabore avec des partenaires locaux pour aider les femmes et les jeunes à s’affranchir des défis à la croisée de l’agriculture et du changement climatique grâce à l’esprit d’entreprise, au partenariat et à l’agriculture durable.   read more: https://cgspace.cgiar.org/bitstream/handle/10568/119468/brief.pdf

Rice and soybean producers from Ogou and Amou in training at Gleï


Atakpamé, June 9 (ATOP) – Thirty rice and soybean producers from the Ogou and Amou prefectures are taking part in a training workshop on “intensive rice and soybean production techniques, management sustainable development of land and the marketing of these products”, from June 7 to 15 in Gleï, capital of the Ogou 3 commune, 25 km […]