Welcome to SRI-Africa Knowledge sharing Portal


Rice is Nice! Rice is set to become a major food staple in Africa, as urbanization and population growth has seen demand for rice grow rapidly over recent decades. The younger generation are eating more rice in place of traditional foods, for a number of reasons. Rice is easy to prepare, requires less energy to […]

Prof. Bancy Mati Convenor of the SRI-Africa Knowledge Portal


Prof. Bancy Mati is the convenor and manager of the SRI-Africa knowledge portal. She ensures that information, publications and happenings in the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) nexus in Africa is collated and uploaded on the website. Prof. Mati is credited with introducing SRI in Kenya in 2009. From humble beginnings, she worked diligently with […]

More than 500 women from the Savanes region (northern Togo) have benefited since Monday from training on the intensive rice farming system.


This intensive rice farming system (SRI) aims to improve rice production, particularly for women, while reducing the resources used. “FAO and the government have chosen rice as the main crop for our one crop, one country initiative that we call OCOP. So for Togo, rice is the main crop. That is why FAO chose the […]

Shattering the rice ceiling: Lonah Okumu’s 41 years in rice farming


What you need to know: Lonah, a 63-year-old Kenyan farmer, transformed from a housewife to a successful rice farmer over four decades. Through education and adoption of innovative farming techniques, she increased her yields significantly, improving her family’s livelihood and educating her seven children to university level. Her success has inspired other women in her community to […]

Are we ready for the rice revolution?


A revolution is not just a matter of state policy, quack attraction, forming committees or documenting scripted essays full of tantalising theories and rhetorics. It does not just occur but it is created, more of holistic implementations of pragmatic strategies for achieving a gigantic goal. Accordingly, the National Treasurer of Rice Farmers Association of Nigeria […]